
Semester By Semester Plan

Semester 1

  • SENG 601 – Ethics in Software Engineering
  • SENG 636 – Structured Systems Analysis and Design
  • SENG 740 – Fundamentals of Software Testing

Semester 2

  • SENG 645 – Advanced Software Engineering
  • ENMG 652 – Management Leadership and Communications or
    IS 765 – Project Management
  • SENG Elective

Semester 3

  • SENG Elective
  • SENG Elective
  • SENG Elective

Semester 4

  • SENG 701 – Software Engineering Capstone



The Software Engineering MPS program offers 5 pathways including software architecture, data engineering, software engineering management, software engineering education, and software engineering consulting. The pathways guide the student through the approved electives list and serve as a best practice for achieving that pathway.

SENG 691, Special Topics in Software Engineering, and IS 698, Special Topics in Information Systems can be taken in all pathways as one or more electives. Topics vary from one academic term to another and cover a wide range of topics including emerging techniques from applied research and the field. The pathways are not a hard rule and in some cases, a student may need a different elective. The program allows for that as long as the elective is on the approved electives list or has been approved by prior written consent from the department and the graduate program director.


Software Architecture Pathway

  • CMSC 611 – Advanced Computer Architecture
  • CMSC 626 – Principles of Computer Security
  • CMSC 641 – Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • HCC 629 – Fundamentals of Human-Centered Computing

Data Engineering Pathway

  • SENG 691 – Special Topics in Software Engineering
  • IS 698 – Special Topics in Information Systems
  • DATA 603 – Platforms for Big Data Processing
  • HCC 629 – Fundamentals of Human-Centered Computing

Software Engineering Management Pathway

  • SENG 638 – Software Process Management
  • SENG 691 – Special Topics in Software Engineering
  • IS 698 – Special Topics in Information Systems
  • HCC 629 – Fundamentals of Human-Centered Computing

Software Engineering Education Pathway

  • CMSC 626 – Principles of Computer Security
  • CMSC 641 – Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • DATA 603 – Platforms for Big Data Processing
  • HCC 629 – Fundamentals of Human-Centered Computing

Software Engineering Consulting Pathway

  • CMSC 611 – Advanced Computer Architecture
  • CMSC 626 – Principles of Computer Security
  • DATA 603 – Platforms for Big Data Processing
  • HCC 629 – Fundamentals of Human-Centered Computing

Software Engineering Graduate Certificate

Required Courses
SENG 636: Structured Systems Analysis and Design
SENG 740: Fundamentals of Software Testing
SENG 645: Advanced Software Engineering
SENG 701: Capstone in Software Engineering
Semester By Semester Plan

Depending on whether you will be a full time or part time student, we recommend the plan below:

  • Full time student: First semester SENG 636, SENG 645, and SENG 740; second semester SENG 701
  • Part time student taking two classes per semester: First semester SENG 636 and SENG 740; second semester SENG 645 and SENG 701
  • Part time student taking one class per semester: First semester SENG 636; second semester SENG 740; third semester: SENG 645; last semester SENG 701.